Lord I Need You

Everyone feels pain. Pain is a very real part of life. Regardless if you hurt someone or you are in the thick of being hurt by someone, you can feel the consequences of pain.  Everyone is effected by pain in this world.  Everyone has been since the fall of man.  But pain seems to touch our lives in different ways and at different times.

One man by the name of Job suffered through many trials and endured much pain.  If you haven’t read his story, I suggest you add this to your reading list.  He had everything a man could ever want and Satan took it all away.   He had every right to be upset and frustrated with God and his circumstances, but Job still praised the name of his Lord.  [Job 19:25-26]

I’ve read Job’s story several times but it wasn’t until recently that it was brought to my attention by a Sunday school teacher of mine that this very portion of God’s word has been clichéd. Over told to the point that we forget part of the story. Yes, Job suffered.  And yes, Job praised the Lord anyways.  This is typically where people stop giving advice.  But Job was human.   For a good portion of the book he showed his frustrations.  He was upset and he was broken.  [Job 3:25-26]

Too many times I will deny my brokenness.
Christians are suppose to be happy all the time because their hope is in the Lord, right?


As brothers and sisters in Christ, we have to be able to accept brokenness.

We will never comprehend His plans. It is intellectually impossible for us to do so. Pain is frustrating because we can’t understand why we have to feel it.  We will never understand why. And that’s okay. [Ecclesiastes 8:17]

If we were never struggling, frustrated, tried, or burdened He would never have a reason to be Redeemer, Healer, Savior, Father, Creator, Lord, or Friend.  He knows the plan.  He’s okay with us needing Him and He’s okay with us needing each other.  [1 Thessalonians 5:9-11]

To be broken, is to say: “LORD, I NEED YOU!”
Why should we be ashamed of needing God?

We shouldn’t.

| MUSIC |  Lord, I Need You - Curtis Wayne, Jr.


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